To resign or not? Greg Clarke uses the term “coloured”
ukiedadmin / 0 Comments /Greg Clarke recently resigned from his role at the Football Association (FA), and his global role as FIFA Vice President, ostensibly because he used the term coloured when referring to non-white players.
There is a heightened degree of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) sensitivity, particularly within Western democracies at this time, which is a good thing. However, there is a danger that if societies move from being in a heightened level to a hyper level of EDI sensitivity this will be hugely problematic, particularly for the most vulnerable in our society, and will damage EDI’s ‘brand’.
Whilst it is important that we take individual and collective responsibility to ensure that we do not deliberately or carelessly offend or discriminate against others because of their protected characteristics, it is however vitally important that we are not so cowed that we are unwilling to communicate openly and honestly as this will lead to paralysis.
We are not condoning Clarke’s overall lack of EDI awareness and engagement. We are, however, questioning whether Clarke’s reference to non-white players as being coloured – whilst inaccurate – is a resignation matter!

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