
Small Business Charter Mark Framework


The UKIED small business charter mark framework is focused on supporting organisations (employing fewer than 35 full-time employees) to meet and respond to the diverse needs principally of their workforce and service users/customers and, where relevant, other key stakeholders.

The framework provides a cost-effective way for small organisations to benefit from achieving the UKIED national charter mark (see below for general cost information).

The UKIED small business charter mark standard uses the same evidence-based approach. However, the type of evidence required is in line with the operational requirements for small organisations.

General costs:

  • Registration from £450 + VAT depending on size or type of organisation
  • Assessment and accreditation from £550 + VAT (and agreed expenses)
  • 12 monthly re-assessment accreditation from £550 + VAT for the 1st two years, reducing to £450 + VAT from year three onwards (and agreed expenses)
  • Additional specialist support costs from £300 + VAT
  • Discounts are available for registered charities

To achieve the UKIED small business charter mark standard involves 4 simple stages:

Stage 1

Involves completing a UKIED Small Business Application Agreement Form.

Stage 2

On completion of the UKIED Application Agreement your UKIED appointed EDI specialist consultant will contact you to arrange a telephone meeting.

Stage 3

Involves the completion of the Pre-Assessment Checklist and the formal assessment.

Stage 4

Involves the continuing annual quality assurance re-approval.

Your appointed UKIED consultant will work with you throughout all stages of the UKIED accreditation process with as much (or as little) specialist support as you require. Your organisation will be able to determine the level of support you require and the speed of which you proceed through the UKIED small business accreditation process.