Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Post Covid-19 Lockdown
ukiedadmin / 0 Comments /#equitymatters
Many countries around the world are starting on the process of ‘normalisation’ in terms of lifting the Covid-19 restrictions. What is increasingly emerging following the lifting of these restrictions are the economic and social impacts caused by many months of these restrictions.
Strong evidence is emerging in the United Kingdom and America, for example, regarding the disproportionate negative health experiences and outcomes of Covid-19 for the disadvantaged and people of colour.
Over recent weeks many employers have announced that they will be making significant job losses. There are concerns that the disadvantaged, people of colour, minority and other historically marginalised groups will be disproportionality impacted by these job losses. There is little evidence to indicate that employers are putting equity, diversity, and inclusion considerations at the centre of their Covid-19 restructure and strategic planning.
There are real dangers that historic negative employment patterns and opportunities experienced by some people will be made significantly worse if employers fail to properly embed EDI within their strategic and operational decision making process, either because of ignorance or a lack of expertise. So, for example, traditional redundancy practices that follow the ‘last in first out’ model will inevitably lead to greater impacts on non-traditional, more diverse employees, as the latter tend to have been recruited through more recent commitments to diversify workforces.
Post Covid-19 could be a real catalyst for employers to really take EDI within the workplace to the next level in terms of long-term commitment and investment. Everywhere community, business, political and thought leaders are talking about the need to reimagine, be brave and being prepared to challenge the status quo; this thinking should also be extended to EDI with employers shifting their focus towards demonstrable measurable outcomes and impact, rather than public relations and self validation.
The impacts of Covid-19 will be felt for several years to come. Employers and governments have a shared responsibility to ensure that the disadvantaged, people of colour, minority and historically marginalised groups do not end up shouldering a disproportionate share of the consequence of Covid-19. Having a developed understanding and genuine long-term commitment to EDI will enable them to meet their responsibilities with confidence.

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