Evidence based: We measure and assess the evidence that you provide to support the assessment of your organisation’s equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and wellbeing performance. The evidence that you provide will be organic and come from your organisation’s core business/service activity.
Customer/service user and employee focussed: We look at the impact of your organisation’s EDI behaviour on these key groups in line with your organisation’s key operating principles.
Supportive: UKIED is able to provide specialist EDI support to meet your organisation’s UKIED charter mark goals. We can provide you with as much or as little support as you require. We will, however, provide you with an independent evaluation of your EDI performance prior to a formal assessment if requested.
Simplicity: To achieve the national UKIED charter mark standard involves the completion of 4 simple stages:
Stage 1
Stage 1
Stage 1 involves completing a declaration of interest and registration form (with relevant payment). We will then issue you with a centre number and assign you a specialist UKIED consultant.
Stage 2
Stage 2
Stage 2 involves completing a UKIED contract form, arranging a pre-assesment needs analysis and action planning telephone meeting (a face to face meeting can be provided as an additional service) and the completion of a pre-visit questionnaire. Your UKIED consultant will then contact you to set up the telephone meeting. This meeting will also enable your assigned consultant to advise and support you by identifying areas of potential support and agreeing a cost package for this support (should this be required) to take you through the UKIED charter mark process. It will also enable the UKIED lead person for your organisation (with the support of the consultant) to produce an action plan setting out how the organisation wants to proceed to stage 3 (formal assessment). There should be a minimum of 4 weeks between stage 2 and stage 3 (unless exceptional circumstances exemption is obtained).
Stage 3
Stage 3
Stage 3 involves the completion of the pre-visit checklist and the formal assessment visit. Prior to this assessment visit (which usually runs for 1.5 consecutive days), your consultant will have contacted your organisational UKIED lead to ensure the pre-visit arrangements are in place. At the end of the assessment visit, the organisational principle will be made aware of the provisional assessment grade, which will be confirmed within 5 days subject to clarification of any outstanding issues.
Stage 4
Stage 4
Stage 4 involves the continuing, once every 2 years, quality assurance monitoring/assessment visit which is arranged to take place within 2 months of the expiry of the existing UKIED charter mark period.